Monday, February 16, 2015

A little bird's song

A little bird perching on a tree
Flew away home with her mate
When rains came, and floods
Surrounded her all around,
She stayed strong
Stood her ground
She covered her little ones
Under her wings, warm and cozy
They stayed there cuddling
What if it rains or floods?
The weather will soon clear
And it will be Spring!

A cuckoo singing in the dawn
Each summer morning, or in dusk,
Couldn't care the heat any less
As she knew the twigs when they sprout
Then the mangoes will grow ripe,
Singing softly with her magical voice
She loves her mate giving a divine message
Neither red hot summer nor the chilling winter
Can stay forever, this too shall pass!
For now she is singing her best
Soaking the world into a heavenly bliss!

Stay put little bird! You are the light of life!