Thursday, September 28, 2023

Yet To See

Never got what I wished
Does it matter, what I received
May be much beyond anything ever..
I wished to stars, help me sing
My voice could be melodious
Even though notes never came out right…
I wished to study well,
But it was nevertheless a saga
Of never-ending duties and sacrifices
After all, what is it that life wants of me
A life this dense is sure not a joy ride
Well, despite all I am able to breath
Walk, and do chores as I can..
May be the hurts have toughened
My soul to withstand the tornadoes..

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Welcome New Day

Waiting to see you
Once again,
Welcome to a new day!
Along the way 
We paraded through 
Ups and downs
Sometimes plain
Old plateaus 
World as it revolves
Making revolutions
Causing turbulence
Turmoil and 
More revolutions
And changing histories 
Over the millennium
From one epoch to another 
Time travelling forth
Men and women 
From birth
To the cycle 
Of births,
I look up as a bird
Waiting for the 
Moon, and 
Looking to see
How you always 
Shine and bring
Rays of hope in the lives of all!