Thursday, June 16, 2022

Plain Old Traditions

He was pent up on marrying her

I just want to marry, only her

He said. His people were unhappy, mother wept, and sisters in law couldn’t see her suffering..

He didn’t care for horoscopes nor clan or sub clan or kin

I don’t care, I wanna marry her,

That is all that matters,.

Bride’s parents and relatives

In fact told the chivalrous girl

That it is ok, as they say:

Find someone or be someone’s

Love of life or reason to be..

Long time later, he tells her

After her kids are grown and married..

That the reason he wanted to

Have her for his wife was,

Since she spoke so sophisticated,

As though she paid no attention to his words,

She said, “pardon?” when he said something that was different from her lingo

He decided, then and there

To teach her what it costs

To not pay attention, when he said.

To have her bound in a marriage and take his liberty with him..

No questions need be asked

Why she is what she is today…

No matter how much he rationalizes

In holding her back, her creativity, her knowledge,

Her verbal abilities,

Despite all, she said

He is who is taking care of her,

And He would show her to open up, and show her creativity, if one thing closes

He shows ten other ways as well as abilities, for her

To be self sufficient,

Tolerant, understanding and forgiving, despite him saying

Things that could offend her for

The rawness, that just made it clear to her, why he married her…

She to him may be anything

Yet it cannot be called a relationship of respect… or love..

It may be superior to that..

That he is a person who just wants to be loyal to his ego,

And feels his life miserable, if it is ever hurt..

So they are married till this day, as she knows, in heart he is

Not yet liberated from his ego..

Or need for dominance!

Praying every minute

To forget the time and

Keep going as brightly

Brilliantly as ever, thankful

For all things in life, always!


Friday, June 3, 2022

Eons Ever

Trains of thoughts

Finding their way 

From eons to present 

Going on as we watch

Them in their glory

History, mementos

Glistering as they pass

Cosmic colors of them

Bygone times,

 Hasty to put their foot down

Amid territories,

 Yet to be seen, or nascent or unknown

Don’t look back to find

Them ladies, and lairds

Ranis and raja- maharajahs ripped of their States and statures,

Kinsmen, Regals and Cavalries,

Many a well versed commandants

Ousted of their power to peril

Foundations that you broke

Shackles and spirits many unknown

Unbeknownst unforeseen

Many a thunder strikes the world, amid

Stardust and asteroids' dump

The surface and the terrain turned to rumble and be numbed

Mankind razed out of their culture, nurture, ethnicity

Nothing to be left except

Humanity still brazens

Hoping one day these

Duress times of violence

Aching hurting violations

Against the self, against the will

Against every thing that ever will

Rise and shell

Shall be past and souls will

Rise and shine, to a new domain,

New dawn, welcoming a bright new morning

Where man is treated

With humanity and with dignity

Of labor, of knowledge, of skills and knowledge or just be themselves, with life to live

And share the message that man is here to live and let live,

No amount of darkness, harshness, thunder and ashes

Will hold the seed from sprouting;

On a day, when it sees

Loving care and energy from High above,

 To create, procreate and propagate and meet the maker!

World has been existing not since

Last night or a night before

Not since just some tens of thousands of nights prior,

But since eternity,

Was it recycled and recreated,

Not knowing how many births she might have taken before

Just as the past is dark

Winding into a  future bleak,

Is there a time when the matter is all gulped into that dark matter,

 That has spewed out spumes of fumes,

Hissing and hurling huge planets and gaseous worlds

Which is a while since,

 A whole different ball game  that was… much much afore,

Of your father’s fore fathers’ lore..

Now, what was that, you said, which seed or barn you are from, pardon,  Je ne comprends pas,

Which field are you from, O pungent radish?

 Qui es-tu?