Sunday, May 5, 2024

As Usual, In Your Passion

I think of you, as always
Telling myself, I am determined to sing
Lyrics somehow seem to be missing 
Nether do I know the tune or a thing.

On days when it rains
Listening to the thunder
I think of you as going in your 
Golden chariot across the clouds

The pool of water drenching me
I think of you showering with me
Rain brings such perfume from the earth
Filling the world in its aromatic breeze

It is so intoxicating and I can not feel anything 
Other than your sweet love that I bathe in
As you are surrounding me everywhere, anytime
Water drops or whiff of wind gently touching

Pigeons are quiet as the night approaches
So are the birds that came from distance
I see some lonely birdlings crying for food
Some are still trying for shelter 

Having outgrown the nest they grew in
They need a mate of their own
So their babies can share the world
That you so lovingly  created as you

For you protect the beings with life or without,
Narayana, name one thing that isn’t you
You being  the mom, dad, baby and their call
You are their food in the Spring Summer or Fall

Across oceans, meadows, or mountains tall
In all, baby I see you, yet you are so evasive of all!
Hold me Krishna, so I may not ever wander
Not knowing wither you are.. my sweet love!