Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Krishna! My Love, Eternal!

My mind goes blank

Every time  I think of you

Who, why, what how

I will not ask you now

Millennia  have passed

Since we were together

I remember You Krishna

As we played by river Yamuna

I remember seeking You

Playing raag Yaman

All night long as the full moon

Was reluctant to return

Yet when the day broke

Cattle were to go to graze

Bright orange Sunshine

Was spreading, with a golden sheen

And the silent waves, on the

Flowing river would want to deflect

Despite the raag raaginia reflecting

In their silky woven dark lace

And the cuckoos and parrots

Uncountable, raising a morning lore

As the beaks raise their pitch

And snakes hid their fangs

Lest you beat their hoods flat

And the small lady bird would

Give sweet smiles as it crawled away

The red velvet bug,

Many a winged friends,

Would learn to shine and go

From flower to flower…

Was it morning already?

O my! had to rush back

And collect hay and stack!

Little did we know we would

Spend eons in waiting

And years go past, with shredding

Of layers of lives as the aged trees

And their bright leaves shedding

Into many a new millennia

The cruel wheels of time

Never ever stopping

Taking with them the lives

Old and young and aged alike

As you keep playing with

Your tender dancing fingers

Over the flute

While the maiden gopis

Plucked on the lute

Winters or summers,

Mornings or nights

How would I count

In the infinite spin of time

Come to me Krishna

Play your songs innumerable

Once more so the light

Reaches everyone’s hearts

As the hearts are over flowing with joy

That only You would fill with Your glory!

Krishna, my sweet tender love

From eons, waiting under this blue sky

As I would forever be, trying to hold,

And keep inside my trembling heart!

Even though every now and then

You sprinkle my soul with

The heavenly rain of Your

Kindness and infinite love,

Allowing us to hold on to

Our dear lives that you let be!






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